Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Coffee Wars: Starbucks or Dunkin?

The age old question for coffee aficionados generally begins and ends in a battle of which major brand provides the best java: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. While many could agree that Starbucks coffee is a sophisticated, strong flavor, others might say that Dunkin Donuts takes the cake. Whether you fall under the left or the right of this caffeine driven political spectrum, each side will always trash the other. In my personal experience, I've heard that "Dunkin Donuts is too watery" or "Starbucks tastes like burning toast." Many opt for Dunkin Donuts because of the price break they get (Starbucks is known to be higher in price). What do you go for? Do you dunk your donuts or do you buck in the stars? I am an equal opportunity consumer of coffee - If I am near a Starbucks, I'll go there (especially in Manhattan) but when I am home in New Jersey, it is often out of the way to drive the extra ten minutes to get to one, so I'll stop by Dunkin. I was inspired to write this post because I was told how extremely odd I was for never drinking hot coffee (I only drink iced, even in the dead of Winter) - this morning I went against my better judgment and went for the heat, and I am sorry I did. I was sweating just sipping the beverage! Maybe I'm just traumatized from the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit incident? Either way - Never again, never again. 

Fun Fact: Starbucks now offers a scanning mechanism if you download their app on your smartphone! I went ahead and downloaded it and connected it to my bank account so that it automatically refills after $25.00 spent - it also accrues points for you per drink purchased so that you'll be able to get free beverages and other rewards! (Now I don't feel so bad spending the extra few dollars on the snobby beverage...)

Appeals to the "Average Joe" demographic

"High Snobiety"

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