Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Size-Conscious Socialite’s Guide to the Holiday Season

Guest Post By: Julia Donnelly

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes a slew of ugly sweater parties, santa-themed soirees, and family get-togethers. With a packed social calendar this holiday season, I know that a multitude of high-calorie festive foods and drink choices are in my future. As much as love drinking like a fish and eating like there’s no tomorrow during the holidays, I also love having the ability to button my jeans without performing the infamous pants dance. To avoid stealing Santa’s silhouette this December, I’ve come up with seven strategies to help you and I stay skinny this holiday season without feeling deprived.

  1. Avoid Alcohol.

HAHAHAHA. Who am I kidding? Making it through the holiday season without booze is like asking for a Christmas miracle. So rather than making impossible promises to cut off the cocktails altogether, try modifying your drink selections. Instead of overindulging in peppermint martinis and Irish coffees like last year, stick to the basics. Opt for clear liquors like vodka or Bacardi mixed with soda water as a calorie-free mixer instead of juice and soda. These drinks will not only eliminate the post cocktail bloat, but will also only amount to half the calories of sugary. exotic drinks. While local beers and lagers have exceptional flavors, light beer selections have much fewer calories, so stick to these. Make sure to watch out for creamy drinks made with whole milk, cream-based liqueurs, or coconut milk. Lastly, offer to be the designated driver here and there so you have an excuse when your friends coax you to drink. Your New Year’s mini dress will thank you later!

  1. Always Arrive Half Full. There is a rule of thumb among dieters that you should never go to the grocery store hungry because you will be tempted to buy tons of extra junk food.  Apply this same principle to the holiday social scene, and avoid attending any festivities on an empty stomach so you are not seduced by the sugary sweets and stupendous spreads. Before heading out to a holiday party, have a snack that is rich in protein, to help curb your appetite.

  1. Avoid Sitting Next To The Buffet.
    Distancing yourself from the food tables is a simple solution to prevent you from eating too much. If you have to walk across the party for that extra piece of cake, you will be much less likely to go back for it than if it’s on the table next to you.

  1. Practice Moderation. You don’t need to completely deprive yourself of your favorite holiday treats as long as you enjoy them in moderation. Treat yourself to a little indulgence every once in a while but when you indulge, go for quality over quantity. Pass on anything that doesn’t hurt to pass up and sample very small portions of the foods that you absolutely love. Savor your treats by eating them slowly and the taste will go a long way.

  1. Choose Pampering Over Pigging Out.
    The stress of the holiday season can often lead many of us running into the arms of our favorite comfort foods. When additional tasks and to-dos seem to push you over the edge, avoid pigging out on fatty foods and pamper yourself instead. Hit the spa for a Mani/Pedi with the girls or draw yourself a hot bath. Engaging in such activities will make you much more relaxed and less dependent on food to manage your stress.

  1. Drink Water. Salty foods and forced air heat tend to dry you out. Keep your body properly hydrated this holiday season by drinking water instead of soda selections that are loaded with calories. Before divulging in a holiday spread, drink two glasses of water. Hydrating your cells before will not only flush your system but will also allow you to eat less.

  1. Make time to exercise. Sorry guys, but there’s no escaping this one. I know the holiday’s can be hectic and extra time seems non-existent, but if you want to stay skinny you cannot fall off the workout wagon. After a long day of Christmas shopping the last thing you’ll want to do is hit the treadmill when the rest of the family is sitting down to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life.” To avoid skipping workouts, hit the gym first thing in the morning. Working out early will both raise your energy level and lower your stress level for the day. You will also feel less guilty about that extra piece of pie or buttered roll at dinner, when you know your morning workout has earned you a few extra calories.  

Staying skinny during the holiday season takes focus, willpower and smart decision-making. This winter remember that when you reach for that extra helping of chocolate cake, you will also need to reach for a larger pant size at Nordstrom in January. However if you stick to the seven strategies provided, you can safely navigate the holidays while maintaining a healthy weight.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Detoxification of All Things "Diet"

Did anyone else feel like they ate the worst of the worst food during the extended Fall break that was Hurricane Sandy?! Between Halloween candy and fast food, there was not much room for healthy eating under the circumstances. Now that most of us are back into our normal routines, I am taking a pro-active step away from the road leading to "Chunky Town" that takes one of my favorite things away from me: Diet Coke. For those of you who don't know me, I am quite literally addicted to the Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi persuasion of bubbly beverages. Before you all turn the other cheek, I know how bad the artificiality of it is and I am well aware that I'd be better off drinking regular soda (but I actually love the taste of diet more!) My "Diet Coke Detox" as it were simply takes something that my body routinely consumes and replaces it with something a little more natural: WATER. Simple enough, right? Read on...

So far, I'm on day two and I am extremely cranky with periods of headaches throughout the day. I think to myself as I'm writing this, "How do people with actual addictions go through withdrawal if I am feeling like this over soda?!" Needless to say, my eyes hurt as I stare at my computer screen to write this posting. I will surely update you all when things get better (and hopefully not worse). Please note: I also went back to normal eating habits that I find successful for weight maintenance. Imagine if this lack of soda results in weight loss?! Here's hoping...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jersey Strong

I apologize for not posting in a little while...

As I'm sure you all know, we were recently hit with one of the most devastating natural disasters that our area has seen in a very long time. Being a proud guy from the Jersey Shore, it comes as no shock that my area specifically has been left in peril. While I was fortunate enough to have a home unaffected, members of my family, friends, and other loved ones were not so lucky. I have attached some pictures below of the area surrounding where I live; the brutality alone from viewing the photos is one thing; seeing the real thing is a whole other animal. I hope that all of you and your loved ones weathered the storm safely. President Obama came to survey the damage with our Governor, Chris Christie, and declared New Jersey to be in a state of disaster, which will help many families with funding and re-grouping after the storm. Electric companies from around the country have been in the area aiding the hard workers of Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L). I personally have seen trucks from Alabama, Ohio, Indiana, and Maryland, Nebraska, Florida and more! New Jersey is VERY thankful for all of the help and support we have been receiving. I hope that the other areas affected (New York City, Staten Island etc.) are receiving all the help they can get as well during this difficult time. 

Below are just a few pictures of how Sandy left many parts of New Jersey. Photo credit is due to a childhood friend and professional photographer, Chris Spiegel, who was able to capture the devastation in real time to share with the public. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Effortless Earthtones

For this week's post, I decided to document a look that takes minimal effort to accomplish. It encompasses the Fall season and dressing for multiple events in one look. As I've said before, living in New York City can be rather tough. If you don't live somewhere "middle-ground" like Midtown, it is often hard to go back home and change clothes to look a certain way for a different social/work event without taking a huge chunk of your day out in commuting back and forth. My advice is always to dress with a purpose, meaning to take the extra few minutes to choose something appropriate for multiple occasions. This look, for example, is a bronze metallic faux leather motorcycle jacket with a sage green pullover. The hood of the pullover changes up the look of wearing a motorcycle jacket automatically, making it a little more playful and less "Go Grease Lightning." I paired it with classic dark jeans and some color-coordinated hightop sneakers. My Fall look comes together with a statement timepiece in "espresso brown." A great idea to change up this look without going back home: Wear a solid v-neck t-shirt on under the pullover! Simplification goes a long way! Due to the ever changing temperatures of the Fall season, a faux leather jacket is always a nice, lighter alternative to actual leather (which can be extremely heavy and hot). 

Motorcycle Jacket: Calvin Klein
Orig: $298 Sale: $70

Pullover: Slate
Orig: $18 Sale: $7

Jeans: Adriano Goldschmied (AG)
Orig: $198 Sale: $118

Shoes: True Religion
Orig: $95 Sale: $18

Watch: Michael Kors
(this was a gift, but their timepieces often go on sale!)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

An Indulgence That's Worth Every Calorie...

Each week, I give myself a small but mighty window of opportunity to indulge in what we former fatties call "the cheat meal." My poison picked comes housed inside an aluminum container (if you're the to-go type) and is quite literally the closest thing to heaven on earth. Yes, I'm referencing the infamous "Burrito Bowl." At this point in my Chipotle chocked life, I would venture to consider myself a seasoned veteran of the ordering process - but for those of you who are virgins to this (and for that I feel sorry for you,) I will break it down step-by-step!

Step 1: Burrito, Salad Bowl or Burrito Bowl ?

Step 2: Would you like black or pinto beans?

Step 3: Would you like chicken, steak or barbacoa (strange meat I've never tried) ?

Step 4: Mild, medium or hot sauce?

Step 5: What types of toppings? (cheese, lettuce, corn, sour cream, guacamole, etc)

*** Warning: Guacamole is extra, but SO worth the difference in price ***

Step 6: PAY UP. (Word of advice, when asked for a drink choice - I always say a cup for "water" - the soda machine is self-serve (I'm going to hell, aren't I?)

By the way --> if you take my advice and indulge, you're welcome is all I have to say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Coffee Wars: Starbucks or Dunkin?

The age old question for coffee aficionados generally begins and ends in a battle of which major brand provides the best java: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. While many could agree that Starbucks coffee is a sophisticated, strong flavor, others might say that Dunkin Donuts takes the cake. Whether you fall under the left or the right of this caffeine driven political spectrum, each side will always trash the other. In my personal experience, I've heard that "Dunkin Donuts is too watery" or "Starbucks tastes like burning toast." Many opt for Dunkin Donuts because of the price break they get (Starbucks is known to be higher in price). What do you go for? Do you dunk your donuts or do you buck in the stars? I am an equal opportunity consumer of coffee - If I am near a Starbucks, I'll go there (especially in Manhattan) but when I am home in New Jersey, it is often out of the way to drive the extra ten minutes to get to one, so I'll stop by Dunkin. I was inspired to write this post because I was told how extremely odd I was for never drinking hot coffee (I only drink iced, even in the dead of Winter) - this morning I went against my better judgment and went for the heat, and I am sorry I did. I was sweating just sipping the beverage! Maybe I'm just traumatized from the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit incident? Either way - Never again, never again. 

Fun Fact: Starbucks now offers a scanning mechanism if you download their app on your smartphone! I went ahead and downloaded it and connected it to my bank account so that it automatically refills after $25.00 spent - it also accrues points for you per drink purchased so that you'll be able to get free beverages and other rewards! (Now I don't feel so bad spending the extra few dollars on the snobby beverage...)

Appeals to the "Average Joe" demographic

"High Snobiety"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"A Healthier Guzzlet To Get A Nice Buzzlet"

"Real Housewife" turned business mogul, Bethenny Frankel, re-vamped the world of alcoholic beverages when she went public with her line of "Skinnygirl" cocktails back in 2010 with the frontrunner being the Skinnygirl Margarita. With her ability to sell the franchise to Jim Beam (a reputable beverage corporation) for the rumored amount of $120 million, the brand had a lot of potential to go even further than it already had. This past year, Skinnygirl came out with an even more exciting low-calorie alternative to America's favorite buzz boost -- VODKA! Below you'll find my drink of choice when I'm out at a bar (pending they carry the spirit) or enjoying a nice pre-event cocktail hour with friends (pre-gaming for lack of a better phrase). I opt for Skinnygirl Vodka (island coconut flavor) with Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi. My guilty conscience is at a record low while drinking it whereas with a beer or mixed drink in hand I'd be mentally kicking myself the next day. An even bigger selling point is that the vodka does not fall short on the alcohol content, which means that a little bit goes a LONG way. Please guzzle responsibly.

Tastes like a vacation in a glass!

The Skinnygirl brand has gone from one pre-mixed offering to a dynamic lineup of 11 and counting! As the slogan goes: "meet some of the new ladies..."

Four different vodkas, four different "ready to serve" cocktails & three different wines (a blush, a red and a white).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Case of The Blues - Workwear A La Kyle

As promised, I have been documenting my noteworthy looks that are equally appropriate for work and for play. I bring this vital point of combining looks together because we all live in a city where things move very fast (and so do the people who inhabit it!) Instead of worrying about going home (which could be all the way up or downtown) to change for a different gathering or event, it is often to one's benefit to dress in a way that your outfit can be "multi-faceted." This look expresses current trends that utilize vibrant colors in pants and socks, and simultaneously introduces a left breast pocket patch to a normally average oxford button-down shirt. It is toned down with neutral colored driving loafers by J Crew, a basic braided brown belt, with brown and rose gold statement sunglasses by Tom Ford and a timepiece that brings all of the vibrant hues together by Toy Watch. While it is work appropriate, it also plays on the elements of trend setting/trend following, which allows for the look to be played out in different settings (work, happy-hour, dinner etc.) Below the picture, I've broken down how I keep to a "sale only" type of budget when purchasing such trendy items.

Shirt: ASOS brand (asos.com)
ASOS price? $75.00
ASOS sale price? $28.00

Pants: JustACheapShirt brand (hautelook.com)
JACS price? $98.00
HauteLook price? $25.00

Socks: Happy Socks brand (Nordstrom)
Nordstrom price? $12.00
Nordstrom sale price? $6.00

Belt: Perry Ellis brand (TJ Maxx)
Perry Ellis price? $34.00
TJ Maxx price? $14.00

Shoes: J Crew Camel Colored Driving Loafers (J Crew Outlet)
J Crew price? $110.00
J Crew sale price? $48.00

Sunglasses: Tom Ford brand (hautelook.com)
Tom Ford price? $425.00
HauteLook sale price? $175.00

Watch: Toy Watch brand (Neiman Marcus) *This item was a gift; it was not purchased on sale*
Neiman Marcus Price? $325.00
^ The elevated price of this watch was due in part to the fact that the cobalt blue color was a Neiman Marcus exclusive; no other store carrying Toy Watch had this item. 

End Note - Shopping for items on sale can be tiring, but the above shows that you can have what some consider "the nicer things" in college and still be on a budget!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Calorically-Conscious Japanese Food - "My Umai!"

Everybody knows that going away to college comes with a few "hiccups," one of which being the loathsome "freshman fifteen." I don't know about any of you, but I wouldn't specifically sort weight fluctuation into one collegiate year. Some people don't experience a change until their junior or senior years! Either way, my goal in this sub-section of my blog is to share some tips based on local Fordham "hot spots" to eat with friends. Your social life doesn't cease to exist just because you are watching your food consumption! <-- That was something that took me a long time to learn on the "yo-yo" roller coaster of coming into new eating habits. Your friends will still love you even when you're no longer ordering the same things that they do.

Today's Eatery For Fordham Scholars:

Umai Fusion, Japanese Cuisine (Arthur Avenue)

Here is a selection of some of the healthier items in place of your typical order of "tempura anything" (Because let's be honest people; we love it fried!)

Fantasy Island
Mixed raw seafood on half an avocado with special sauce.

Sushi Rolls
Substitute the standard white rice with brown rice - While it is an up-charge to your bill, it will not break the bank on your scale!

*Note - Always beware of sauces: do your homework first, but don't write them off completely. Indulge a little! 

Rice People - Pay Attention! This one's for you!
If you're in the mood for rice, try and order steamed brown rice - you can always doctor it up with some ginger dressing (sounds gross, tastes awesome) OR some low-sodium soy sauce.

Side Dishes/Soups/Salads: The most filling with the least guilt

--> Steamed Broccoli (Warning: Order it without garlic sauce if you plan to go out to the bars that night - you never know who you'll see, and the last thing you want to be remembered for is your stank breath!)

--> Soups - Most Japanese soups are made with minimal ingredients. This, however, should not take away from the amount of sodium contained. Beware of water retention - the scale will frighten you, but only for a day or two.

--> Salads - Go to town but bring your brain with you! Dressing on the side is a key success factor. A little bit goes a long way.

A very fancy Tuna-Avocado Salad - Do not expect THIS presentation at Umai, though!

Your typical Miso Soup - Simple yet satisfying.  

A different way of eating is not that serious! Take it lightly, or you'll end up like this lady...


The Reality Behind My Internship

This semester, I accepted an internship at a luxury real estate firm called Nest Seekers. I work directly for the Executive Vice President and the Senior Vice President, one of which was featured on a popular Bravo TV reality show "Million Dollar Listing: NYC." Upon accepting the internship, I also found out that the notoriety from the show allowed them to open an additional office (where I now work) and also allowed them to be picked up for a second season. The show is shooting three agents for the next five months, my boss included. The camera crew films at the office and on location for listings; look out for the upcoming season to air in the Spring and you just might see me ;)

While one would think that these types of people would be difficult to work with, I have had a complete opposite experience (in a good way.) My duties are typical to that of any average intern: coffee runs, office organization, administrative tasks etc. I am happy to attempt and tackle any task thrown my way because every request, every need and every whim is always followed up with gratitude. I respect the business and look forward to gaining more of an understanding of real estate in general. I'm really excited to see how this internship pans out; there are a lot of opportunities that can come from working at Nest Seekers and I'm excited to find out what they are!

In the coming weeks, I will also be documenting on how I am keeping current with trends and my personal style of dressing for work. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Long Time Coming

Since I could remember, I've always been on the wrong side of "the battle of the bulge." Indulging was something I did on a daily basis to the point where I was on the brink of what the doctors considered "morbid obsesity." I tried everything from the Healthy Choice diet to Atkins to Weight Watchers; My saving grace, believe it or not, was Jenny Craig. Yes -- I actually "called Jenny." My 81 pound journey was completed over a period of about 2 years. Was it hard? Definitely. Worth the struggle? Without a doubt.

That Was Then... & This is My Now...